A neurotoxin is a substance that is ingested, or inhaled or
taken into our body by direct contact that has an adverse effect on our central
nervous system, manifesting either indirect neurological symptoms of trouble
with memory, focus, concentration, coordination. It can also affect us emotionally in terms of
irritability, depression and things of that nature. Such toxins are often
undetected until symptoms (like chronic fatigue and frequent headaches) begin
to show
-leading to other effects on the body that may prove
difficult to diagnose.
Neurotoxins can come from many places in our in-home environment, and they can come from outgassing from furniture that's made from compressed wood, formaldehyde that's outgassing from that, and from volatile organic hydrocarbons from carpeting and rugs that have that new-carpet smell. And also we can get neurotoxins that are emitted by various kinds of molds that you could find in the bathroom, black molds and things of that sort. And these neurotoxins, depending upon the individual's biochemistry, will have different levels of toxicity, so at some level, everybody will be affected by a neurotoxin, but the dose is going to be different for different people, depending upon their individual biochemistry; some people are exquisitely sensitive and can smell mold three rooms away, other people can either piece a moldy bread and look for some blue cheese for dessert.
Everybody has a different susceptibility to neurotoxins- but those who are affected may suffer symptoms that could be prove quite debilitating. To address neurotoxins, we must first review the patient's environment. If you happened to live on the sea shore and there happens to be a red tide, that's the Dinoflagellate that releases a neurotoxin. It kills the fish, but also as the ocean waves are crashing upon the rocks, the toxins disperse into the atmosphere and people can breathe the toxins and can make them very sick. There's many well-documented cases about people getting very sick from exposure to these kinds of neurotoxins that can occur naturally and just the ocean water around us.
I see many patients with strange neurological symptoms, and the first thing to assess is whether this a structural problem or a functional problem? By a structural problem, we mean "is there a tumor? Is there an MS plaque? Is there something structurally that's chewing on their nervous system creating weird symptoms?" Otherwise, one has to (then) look at the possibility of neurotoxin exposure. Now the problem with that is that the blood test that exists currently, are very bad for trying to isolate these things and document exposure to these neurotoxins as causing these symptoms. There are blood tests for these things, but the exposure that someone has to have in order for it to show up in a blood test is pretty big, so if somebody is very sensitive, as a lot of people are, then they're going be having symptoms at levels below which our current technology can detect. So as a result, these poor folks are going to go, basically, from doctor to doctor to psychiatrist to whatever; whereas people are going to think they're crazy because they're having symptoms from exposure to something that can't be measured with our current technology, but is nonetheless a physical reality.
So to address these neurotoxins, you have to see where it's coming from; was it
coming from outside the house? Do you live in the seashore? Do you live in a
white house? Is it some place where you might be breathing in something from
the ocean? Or is it coming from inside the house? Is it coming from your
exposure to volatile organic hydrocarbons from outgassing? Did you buy some new
furniture? Did you get some new carpeting? Do you have new insulation put in
the house? There was a period of time that they had UFFI insulation, which they
removed from the market because the outgassing from that was so toxic, but
there're still a lot of houses that have UFFI, and if you are doing renovations
on a house that happen to open up a wall that's got this stuff in it, you can
release potentially a lot of this toxic stuff into the air, and whether you're
particularly sensitive or not it can make you really sick.
So the first thing to do is to try to identify the source and avoid it; so if it's new carpeting, then open all the windows and go take a long vacation someplace and come back when the house is aired out. The other alternative is to get yourself a nice wool berber rug or carpeting, then you don't have to worry about outgassing of anything right from the start, or just have hardwood floors that are made out of real wood and not laminate, so these are things that one can consider.
I see many patients with strange neurological symptoms, and the first thing to assess is whether this a structural problem or a functional problem? By a structural problem, we mean "is there a tumor? Is there an MS plaque? Is there something structurally that's chewing on their nervous system creating weird symptoms?" Otherwise, one has to (then) look at the possibility of neurotoxin exposure. Now the problem with that is that the blood test that exists currently, are very bad for trying to isolate these things and document exposure to these neurotoxins as causing these symptoms. There are blood tests for these things, but the exposure that someone has to have in order for it to show up in a blood test is pretty big, so if somebody is very sensitive, as a lot of people are, then they're going be having symptoms at levels below which our current technology can detect. So as a result, these poor folks are going to go, basically, from doctor to doctor to psychiatrist to whatever; whereas people are going to think they're crazy because they're having symptoms from exposure to something that can't be measured with our current technology, but is nonetheless a physical reality.

So the first thing to do is to try to identify the source and avoid it; so if it's new carpeting, then open all the windows and go take a long vacation someplace and come back when the house is aired out. The other alternative is to get yourself a nice wool berber rug or carpeting, then you don't have to worry about outgassing of anything right from the start, or just have hardwood floors that are made out of real wood and not laminate, so these are things that one can consider.

Other things that one can do are to take things that are going to help detoxify us from the inside out. So, just as there are red organisms in the ocean that can make us sick with these neurotoxins, there are green organisms in the form of chlorella or spirulina that can make us well, and these green organisms, these microbes, because of the levels of chlorophyll in them and how biologically available and accessible they are, can absorb these toxins and help our body to excrete them, and can help tremendously in reversing and undoing a lot of this problem. Now the neurotoxin exposure will cause a functional problem with our central nervous system causing the misfiring of neurons and cell receptor sites resulting in weird and variable symptoms.
First, you want to pull the toxins out of the system by doing some gentle detoxing, (spirulina and chlorella are good gentle treatments), but then as a matter of repairing the damage that may have been done, and that's a matter of taking amino acids that support the production of neurotransmitters in our brain, things like tyrosine and 5-Hydroxytryptophan and the amino acids that support and the trace minerals that support that, and the vitamins that support them, but it becomes a whole complex of things that help to rebuild the capacity of our central nervous system to produce appropriate levels of neurotransmitters to then reconnect things where they should be and reverse the symptoms of damage that the neurotoxins can cause.
DR. JESSE A. STOFF is an internationally renowned physician with extensive credentials in clinical immunology and holistic medicine. A graduate of New York Medical College , he pursued extensive post-doctoral training including a fellow- ship at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital in London , England . He has authored/co-authored countless articles and 8 books including co-authoring the bestseller "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Hidden Epidemic" and The Prostate Miracle.
This article is produced and written by the writing team at IMMUNOLOGY TODAY- The Official Newsletter of Integrative Medicine of N.Y. of Westbury NY-- Edited and co-published by Dr. Jesse A. Stoff exclusively for the purposes of this blogpost (Immunology Today) and rejuvenatesoliutions.com The publisher(s) hold all rights (c) to all elements, images and content herein. All distribution, sharing or re-posting of this article is only with the express permission from Dr. Stoff and Integrative Medicine of NY (formerly Linchitz Medical Wellness). 265 Post Ave. Suite 380 Westbury, NY 11590 | 516.759.4200 | www.StoffImmunology.com. Rejuvenate! is a registered trademark of Intermedia Communications Ltd. All written content in this newsletter is produced by the Stoff Institute for Medical Research (SIMR) exclusively for private distribution at the Integrative Medicine of NY ©2016- All Rights Reserved.
DISCLAIMER: Integrative Medicine of NY (formerly Linchitz Medical Wellness) and Dr. Jesse A. Stoff make no claims pertaining to any of the institutions or funding information listed, make no warranty or guarantee of funding, and bear no responsibility and disclaim any liability for the privacy of communications or the outcome of any applications for the listed resources. No further information about any of the institutions nor funding programs (other than the links and contact information listed here) is available. Written content provided in this article/blog is for informational purposes only; consult your physician before making any changes to your treatment plan.