by: John Graziano, Rejuvenate! Fitness Columnist
I do a lot of different things. People ask me all the time, "Should I go to the gym? Should I run? Should I do this, that...what should I do? What's the secret to staying somewhat healthy?" I've gotta tell you, knowing everyone is different, in my opinion, the biggest component that is the same for everyone, and the biggest secret is simply eating healthy. In my experience, nutrition is #1... more important than your training!
The reason why I'm a Beachbody coach is because I lost weight very quickly and I did it in a way that was very healthy to me. I needed to lose weight! I had high triglycerides, high cholesterol, high 'everything bad', and low 'everything good'. I needed to make changes, right? I had to try to figure out, "what do I do to make these changes?" So, I started with the exercise program P90X and I had results. But, I realized that TIME is very limited to be able to do those workouts. In doing workouts and training, you have to be very focused with it to target weight loss. Doing cardio is a must to increase and elevate your heart rate and burn calories.
There's a saying; 'calories in-calories out' that everybody thinks is the easiest way to calculate how to lose weight. I used to think that simple, until I found that even with that formula, you plateau after a while. It lacks understanding that there's no benefit of eating 1,000 calories of pure carbs if I think I burn 1,200 'empty' calories! I learned quickly that even when I was injured (or when I wasn't capable of working out), I was still losing weight because I was eating properly. You can workout to build muscle, which helps burn fat, and still not be in great shape because you're eating the wrong components.

I found that whenever you focus on your eating habits you could sit on the couch and be sedentary and eat properly and still create a good balance of calorie burn. It even comes down to when you eat! Eating smaller meals, more frequently elevates calorie burn. Eating carbs in the morning and protein at night minimizes glycogen storage. Basically, the more you learn how to eat properly, the more you learn how to become more efficient at calorie burning. Thus, losing weight, and getting healthier.
From the Editor:
Welcome to 2017- a new year for new HEALTH opportunities. If you've never subscribed to a new year's resolution before, perhaps you can see this year as a page turner for being a year older and wiser with some new plans. This might mean embracing some positive changes like LONGEVITY and WELLNESS. Start with some new health awareness and lifestyle upgrades- like shopping on the outside aisles of your grocery store (where the healthy stuff is). Look at life with a new and smarter set of eyes for better foods, better work habits and even scheduling in more physical activities and less sitting-down ones. (ie. Walk your dog more often, don't just open the door out back to let him out).

If you read about my friend John Graziano (article above), he's a great example that "you are truly what you eat" and an even better ambassador for overcoming the odds and excuses. He did a major life change to embrace a new longevity plan. Like John, getting into your 40's means it's time to appreciate having made it this far but it's also time to invest in the next 40 years correctly. (This is page 1 of the Longevity book).
With maturity comes awareness- for things like READING INGREDIENTS and NUTRITION FACTS. This is the FDA's way of keeping the food industry responsible and keeping the consumer aware of how your food will directly affect you. It details a complete list of ingredients and how they translate to your body-from CALORIES, FATS, CHOLESTEROL, SODIUM, CARBS etc... all the crap that will eventually bring decay to your well-being in major doses.
In the weeks ahead, I shall be drafting my new LONGEVITY 101 series. This project covers all the wisdom from those who have entered the next chapter of their lives and kickstarted a 180-degree shift into SMARTER LIVING. If you have a story, comments, questions or rants, email me at: I would love to hear from you.
Warmest regards-
Dr. Jesse A. Stoff
Clinical Immunologist.
DR. JESSE A. STOFF is an internationally renowned physician with extensive credentials in clinical immunology and holistic medicine. A graduate of New York Medical College , he pursued extensive post-doctoral training including a fellow- ship at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital in London , England . He has authored/co-authored countless articles and 8 books including co-authoring the bestseller "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Hidden Epidemic" and The Prostate Miracle.
This article is produced and written by the writing team at IMMUNOLOGY TODAY- The Official Newsletter of Linchitz Medical Wellness. Edited and co-published by Dr. Jesse A. Stoff exclusively for the purposes of this blogpost (Immunology Today) and The publisher(s) hold all rights (c) to all elements, images and content herein. All distribution, sharing or re-posting of this article is only with the express permission from Dr. Stoff and Linchitz Medical Wellness. 265 Post Ave. Suite 380 Westbury, NY 11590 | 516.759.4200 | Rejuvenate! is a registered trademark of Intermedia Communications Ltd. All written content in this newsletter is produced by the Stoff Institute for Medical Research (SIMR) exclusively for private distribution at the Linchitz Medical Wellness Center ©2016- All Rights Reserved.
DISCLAIMER: Linchitz Medical Wellness and Dr. Jesse A. Stoff make no claims pertaining to any of the institutions or funding information listed, make no warranty or guarantee of funding, and bear no responsibility and disclaim any liability for the privacy of communications or the outcome of any applications for the listed resources. No further information about any of the institutions nor funding programs (other than the links and contact information listed here) is available. Written content provided in this article/blog is for informational purposes only; consult your physician before making any changes to your treatment plan.