IPT targets the powerful cell-killing effects of standard chemotherapy on cancer cells, and reduces their destructive side effects on healthy tissues. Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) is a new approach to treating cancer that involves no new drug products. The therapy uses insulin, and takes advantage of the powerful, cell-killing effects of ordinary chemotherapy drugs, used in very low doses.
Cancer cells get their energy by secreting their own insulin, and they stimulate themselves to grow by secreting their own insulin-like growth factor (IGF). These are their mechanisms of malignancy. Insulin and IGF work by attaching to special cell membrane receptors, and these receptors are sixteen times more concentrated on cancer cell membranes than on normal cells. These receptors are the key to IPT. Using insulin in IPT, the low dose chemotherapy gets channeled specifically inside the cancer cells, killing them more effectively, and with minimal chemotherapy side effects.
Insulin Potentiation Therapy was developed in Mexico by a family of physicians – the Drs. Donato Perez Garcia. Over the last twenty-five years they and other doctors have collaborated with their Mexican colleagues to provide a sound scientific basis for the therapy, and getting documentation of this published in the scientific medical literature. Their common goal has always been, and yet remains, to get IPT properly studied in this country so greater numbers of physicians and patients in the United States could use it. An in vitro study at Georgetown University showed insulin increases the penetration of chemotherapy into cancer cells 10,000 fold. Another study from Uruguay on chemotherapy resistant patients (treatment failures) showed shrinkage of tumors when the patients were then treated with IPT.IPT is a powerful drug delivery system that uses ordinary chemotherapy drugs in greatly reduced doses, and makes these work without most of the common side-effects associated with conventional chemotherapy treatment.
Cancer cells get their energy by secreting their own insulin, and they stimulate themselves to grow by secreting their own insulin-like growth factor (IGF). These are their mechanisms of malignancy. Insulin and IGF work by attaching to special cell membrane receptors, and these receptors are sixteen times more concentrated on cancer cell membranes than on normal cells. These receptors are the key to IPT. Using insulin in IPT, the low dose chemotherapy gets channeled specifically inside the cancer cells, killing them more effectively, and with minimal chemotherapy side effects.
Insulin Potentiation Therapy was developed in Mexico by a family of physicians – the Drs. Donato Perez Garcia. Over the last twenty-five years they and other doctors have collaborated with their Mexican colleagues to provide a sound scientific basis for the therapy, and getting documentation of this published in the scientific medical literature. Their common goal has always been, and yet remains, to get IPT properly studied in this country so greater numbers of physicians and patients in the United States could use it. An in vitro study at Georgetown University showed insulin increases the penetration of chemotherapy into cancer cells 10,000 fold. Another study from Uruguay on chemotherapy resistant patients (treatment failures) showed shrinkage of tumors when the patients were then treated with IPT.IPT is a powerful drug delivery system that uses ordinary chemotherapy drugs in greatly reduced doses, and makes these work without most of the common side-effects associated with conventional chemotherapy treatment.
Mechanism of IPT
The main instrument of this method is a hormone called insulin,
which is secreted by the pancreas to control and regulate glucose levels in blood.
However, two different hypotheses point towards some other
effects of insulin, effects which help in enhancing the efficiency of chemotherapy.
The first hypothesis suggests that insulin increases the permeability of the
cell membrane of affected body cells for cytotoxic drugs. This increase in
permeability helps in getting more concentration of intracellular drugs which
enables the lowering of the dosage of chemotherapy drugs.
The other hypothesis about the role of insulin for assisting
cytotoxic drugs suggests that insulin can affect the cell cycle of cancer cells
i.e. by extending the S-phase fraction where replication of DNA occurs. Cancer
cells become more vulnerable in this phase to chemotherapy.
Advocates of IPT claims that if insulin is used in conjunction
with chemotherapy, it can cut the dose of anticancer drugs by up to 90%. They
also base their claim on the fact that cancer cells have more insulin receptors
on their surface than the normal cells, hence there are stronger chances that the
insulin will as has been hypothesized.
Popularity of IPT
Even though IPT is not backed by mainstream oncologists and
federal regulatory bodies, many patients are still going for this treatment
It is low cost cancer treatment
It ensures no adverse and severe side effects of
In the coming years, if IPT gets the scientific substantiation
to prove its theory, then it probably will become part of the authorized cancer
treatments. However, right now it has inadequate scientific evidence and
research in its support, and therefore professional oncologists don’t recommend
insulin potentiation therapy.
DR. JESSE A. STOFF is an internationally renowned physician with extensive credentials in clinical immunology and holistic medicine. A graduate of New York Medical College , he pursued extensive post-doctoral training including a fellowship at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital in London , England . He has authored/co-authored countless articles and 8 books including co-authoring the bestseller "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Hidden Epidemic" and The Prostate Miracle.
This article is produced and written by the writing team at IMMUNOLOGY TODAY- The Official Newsletter of Integrative Medicine of N.Y. of Westbury NY-- Edited and co-published by Dr. Jesse A. Stoff exclusively for the purposes of this blogpost (Immunology Today) and rejuvenatesoliutions.com The publisher(s) hold all rights (c) to all elements, images and content herein. All distribution, sharing or re-posting of this article is only with the express permission from Dr. Stoff and Integrative Medicine of NY (formerly Linchitz Medical Wellness). 265 Post Ave. Suite 380 Westbury, NY 11590 | 516.759.4200 | www.StoffImmunology.com. Rejuvenate! is a registered trademark of Intermedia Communications Ltd. All written content in this newsletter is produced by the Stoff Institute for Medical Research (SIMR) exclusively for private distribution at the Integrative Medicine of NY ©2016- All Rights Reserved.